
AdriHealthMob Project, Analysis Services of Previous Experiences in Albania.

Call for Expression of Interest

Adriatic IPA CBC Cooperation Programme 2007-2013

Subsidy Contract 1° Str/2009/0

 AdriHealthMob Project

Wp3. Capitalization & Sustainability

            Act. 3.2 Analysis and database collection of Existing Experiences.

            Service Requested:  Analysis Services of Previous Experiences in Albania.

1- The Contracting Authority:

Business and Economy Promotion Centre

Address: Lagja 7, Rruga Prokop Meksi, Nr 180

Phone: 00355 52 2 237 90

Fax: 00355 52 2 237 90


2- Procedure .

Call for expression of Interest.

3- Programme.

Adriatic IPA CBC Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. AdriHealthMob Project.

4. Legal basis:

  • Chapter 3 of Part 2 Title III of Regulation (EC Services Euratom) No 2342/2002,
  • Commission Decision C(2007) 2034 on the rules and procedures applicable to service, supply and work contracts financed by the general budget of the European Communities for the purposes of co-operation with third countries, with the exclusion of Section II.8.2.
  • Rules of Adriatic IPA CBC Programme Programme Management and Control Manual.

Service  Specification

5- Nature of the following contract .

Global Price

6. Service description

The Business and Economy Promotion Centre  (B.E.P.C)  is  the Final Beneficiary nr. 8  of the AdriHealthMob (Adriatic Model of Sustainable Mobility in the Health & Care Sector)  leaded by the federal ministry of Health of Bosnia & Herzegovina.  There are 2 main issues the project is focusing on ;

1- Reducing the not necessary mobility in Health & Care field, we are speaking about mobility of professionals as well the mobility of patients. This objective can be achieved through the Introduction of ICT as E-Health (Telemedicine, Telecontrol) and E-Care (as Ambient Assisted Living) on line Training of Professionals, ICT Resource Center ta share Information. The themes are the prominent themes of the future 2014-2020 EU programming and Horizon 2020, the EU Research & Innovation framework.

2- The Second issue to develop is the planning of a better mobility (Tourists, Residents, Elderly moving to South East Europe from Northern Europe) planning the future investments in the Health & Care, to invest e make new hospitals to be accessible to all the region, in order to have excellence centers in the Adriatic Region that can become always more focused in their excellence and be open to all Adriatic Area and EU Users.

One of the main Horizontal Workpackages of the project, Wp3 – is aimed at increasing the impact of AdriHealthMob in consistency with the IPA programme goals, in integration with ENPI CBC and MED programmes, as well as with other EU and transnational programmes. Capitalisation is a fundamental step in order to reach coherence, to multiply effects and to identify recommendations for mainstreaming at local and regional level, in a macro-regional strategy level. By this call for expressions of interest Business and Economy Promotion Centre (BEPC) intends to create a list of potential contractors that will be called upon to provide supplies of equipment for the rehabilitation of two workshops as per reference of the WP 3 of the Project. In particular the Act. 3.2 Analysis and database Collection aimed at elaborating and analyzing the data collected at Adriatic Ionian Macro Region Area.  BPEC is in charge to implement this activity on Albanian side.

As BPEC has not internal resources having the necessary expertise to implement the above mentioned activities by this call for expressions of interest BEPC intends to create a list of potential providers that will be called upon to provide service for the Analysis Services of Previous Experiences in Albania.

The list of providers created following the publication of this call will be used for the service contracts which value is established by European directives and regulations, regarding the public procurement. BEPC can always decide not to use the list and proceed with new tendering process, particularly if there are not providers having the necessary requirements.

7.  Maximum  Budget

14.500 €

Condition of Participation

8. Eligibility

Participation is open to all physical persons and companies participating either individually or in grouping(Consortium) of candidates  that are established in

a) a Member State of the European Union;

b) a Member State of the European Economic Area;

c) an official candidate country or potential candidate that is a beneficiary of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, depending on the basic act;

d) a country that is a direct beneficiary of the aid implemented through the corresponding basic act;

e) a developing country as specified by the OECD Development Assistance Committee referred to in the annex to the instrument, for procurement and grants financed by the EU Budget under a thematic programme; for EDF programmes, all least developed countries as defined by the UN;

f) another third country, according to the derogations stated in the basic act (see point 2.3.2.);

g) another country covered by a European Commission decision establishing reciprocal access to external aid. Reciprocal access in the least developed countries is automatically granted to OECD/DAC members (see the list in Annex A2). For regional programmes which include at least one least developed country, the automatic reciprocal access applies to the whole regional programme.

9- Candidature

The selection of candidates for inclusion in the list will be made on the basis of the technical capabilities of the candidate in relation to the field of interest, proof of which must include specific information as follows:

Natural persons:

The curriculum vitae of the person specifying:

Technical, financial and Professional Capacities and work experience;

Specific activity in the Country

List of publications and/or major contracts concluded with other customers and work carried out.

Legal Persons:

Description of the organizational structure, and curriculum of experts that specify study and Professional Qualifications and work experience;

Indication of the specific knowledge of the country;

List of major and most significant contracts with other customers in the field (s) where the company applies and work carried out in last 3 years.

System description or quality measures applied to the supply of specialist skills.

Capacity of Entity the last 3 years.

Annual turnover of the company.

10- Number of applications

No more than one application can be submitted by a natural or legal person, whatever the form of participation.

11.  Grounds for exclusion:

Candidates will be excluded from participation in procurement procedures if:

a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations

b) They have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata; (i.e. against which no appeal is possible)

c) They have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the Contracting Authority can justify.

d) They have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the Contracting Authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed

e) They have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity detrimental to the EU’s financial interests

f) They are currently subject to an administrative penalty referred to in Article 96(1) of the Financial Regulation (BUDGET)/Article 99 of the Financial Regulation (10th EDF).

12. Number of Candidates to be shortlisted

On the basis of the application received, 3 candidates will be invited to submit detailed tenders  through a Competitive Negotiated Procedure . If only one eligible application will be received a single tender procedure will take place.

Provisional timetable

13. Provisional date of invitation to the tender


14. Provisional commencement date of the contract


15. Implementation period of tasks

45 Days after the signing of the contract

16. Selection Criteria

The technical criteria  will be detailed in the Terms of Reference to be submitted to the shortlisted companies.

17. How Application may be submitted

17.1 The applications  must be submitted:

By e-mail to , by filling out the format of CV for companies and/or by mail sending it to the mail address:

B.E.P.C. – Q.P.B.E , Lagja 11, Rr. Bukuroshja e Durresit, Pallati Borova, Ambienti nr. 16, Kati i Dyte, Durrës, Shqipëri.

17.2 B.E.P.C. reserves the right to request additional information to candidates after the receipt of candidatures and during their examination.

17.3 Applicants will be informed about the receipt of their format and their possible inclusion or non-inclusion in the list.

17.4 The candidates included in the list are kindly requested to inform the B.E.P.C. for any modification of the personal data included in the format.

18. Operational Language

Applications must be submitted  in Albanian or English.

19. Expiry date of the list resulting from the call for expressions of interest:

This list is valid for 2 weeks following its publication. Any person interested may submit an application at any time during the period of validity of the list.